Tuesday, November 16, 2004

In the moment

Anna Quindlen once wrote,"exhaust the little moment". I don't know if I'm up for that, especially when I am just plain exhausted by the moment itself. In all seriousness, there is something to be said for being in the moment. Children, especially babies and toddlers, have their own ways of keeping you in the moment. My youngest daughter of almost 20 months will pull me by the hand to drag me back into her moment. With my kids the moment can be exhausting especially when each wants his or her cookie, book, answer, drink or whatever NOW! The little moments do come as often as you let them. Often I notice the autumn sky as I pull into our driveway fresh from my latest errand. Or if I actually get down on the floor beside my toddler to view things from her perspective. I can almost see why string is so exciting to her, almost. It's a balancing act to be sure, learning to let myself be immersed in their moment while teaching them to begin to understand that their moment co-exists along side everyone else's including mine! Speaking of moments, at this very moment I need to be in the car. Till next time....

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