Tuesday, September 14, 2004

first day jitters

I just dropped my daughter off for her first day of preschool. The novelty of the big kid rituals like hanging up her backpack and finding her nametag wore right off when she realized this was to be a solo gig. I made my exit after a two minute delay in which her baby sister made herself at home to scribble at the coloring table while big sis tearfully surveyed the room. We left, she cried and right now I have my cell phone in my pocket and one ear tuned for my cordless, just waiting for a call to say that potty training hasn’t officially ended or that she has thrown up from crying so hard. You’d think this being my third time around introducing a child to preschool that it would get easier, it didn’t. I’m sitting here trying to type and much to my chagrin, the silence that I thought I craved is actually deafening. I have a window of opportunity and now it turns out I’m a little afraid to jump through. Still I will see this through, as there is no substitute for butt in chair time if I really want to call myself a writer. See you Thursday for round two.