Tuesday, February 08, 2005

odds and ends on Fat Tuesday

My youngest will be two in April. I hate to say it but I think she is outgrowing her nap. It doesn't seem possible but right now instead of sleeping she is talking to her Blue's Clues doll. She fell asleep on the way to take her big sis to preschool and that is all it took to screw up nap time. Meanwhile I have been looking at every calorie available in my kitchen with new found choosiness. As any mom knows it is way too easy to just pick off of your kids plates and call it a meal or a snack. Lent begins tomorrow and so does my Lenten self-improvement program. So today in honor of Fat Tuesday I am taking the kids out for doughnuts after school. My only concern is the possible milk in the doughnuts. As my Dad would say, "#3" has a milk allergy and I really don't want her itching for the rest of the week. Anyone know of a good milk free recipe site?

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