Thursday, February 17, 2005

backseat critic

I have a confession to make. I sing while driving, especially when I've got my captive audience of two snuggled in their carseats. I turn the radio up and belt out whichever tune I know the words to as I work the scan button for all its worth. It never used to be a problem. I could handle any strange looks from my roadside companions. They were driving so fast they surely didn't notice little ol' me contorting my face like Tina Turner. I only subjected my youngest girls to my obnoxious vocal stylings. To be honest style has little to do with it, I just like to pretend I'm a rock star.

That all ended today. I cranked up Tina Marie's Glamorous Life when it came on because a)I hardly ever hear the song b) my musical taste is a product of the eighties. I started singing and all of a sudden I heard," NO,NO,NO,NO,NO" from my remaining child in the backseat. The chorus didn't stop till I stopped singing. There was a giggle, then I started again and so did she,"NO, NO, NO,NO,NO". I guess at 22 months she is forming an opinion. Apparently she gives mommy's singing a thumbs down. Maybe I've got another Simon Cowell in the making...

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