Wednesday, November 05, 2008

clues to the election

Obama won. Conservatives the nation over are asking, " how did this happen- is America blind?" The short answer is yes.

Those who elected Obama have purposefully turned a blind eye toward the facts, steadfastly refusing to question any sketchy information that made its way forward. Obama's surface is so smooth and shiny that it reflected what many voters wanted to see, namely themselves. Before any one is quick to judge think harder about why this happened. African americans and other people of color have had so many distorted mirrors held up to them for many, many years ( even recently think of CNN's Black in America- that didn't reflect any of the black people I know.) that when some one finally reflected the good in them at least on the surface people of all races swarmed toward that image. NO ONE WENT BENEATH THE SURFACE! When surrounded by ugliness for so long and presented with a beautiful image the last thing you want to do is scratch the image. However what American's might have bought themselves is fool's gold. I pray that isn't so.

Blindness isn't just common to Obama supporters, those who supported McCain are not immune. As Americans many of us claim to be color blind. However that doesn't make us a nation of various shades of gray. Part of America's vibrancy is its color and the color is only skin deep. Each one of us beautifully shaded by our Lord in his own image. The Bible tells us that God is love. John1 4:8 As Christians when we have failed to embrace each other as children of God beautifully and wonderfully made we have failed to embrace God himself. We have failed to love.

This will be the challenge for America in the coming years to love one another while we struggle to create a culture of life in America that celebrates and protects al lives from their beginnings to their natural ends. We cannot fall into the snare of hating those with whom we disagree, even if our disagreement is of the most serious nature. We are called to love by Him who first loved us.

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