Thursday, September 27, 2007

party planning to entertain a bunch of first graders that doesn't involve trashing my house? Yes, it's party planning time and I'm looking for ideas that can be done outside that have an autumn theme. decorating mini-pumpkins? bobbing for apples? My goal is to not attract bees in the process. This is why I am not a preschool teacher. I am definitely a mom that has to outsource the arts and crafts portion of childhood. useful comments are oh so welcome here.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

I am Alice

Now that I've finally gotten myself back on the blog I can't think of a thing to type. So the stream of consciousness thing will have to do for now.

Busy, busy, busy fall but that's the way it is for everyone. No sense whining. Ages ago I blogged about "where's my Alice?" the ever-present, always helpful housekeeper for the Brady's who kept that ship afloat. I still live in the Brady Bunch house with the addition of DD#4 but I've come to realize that I am Alice. It's crazy around here but truthfully I wouldn't have it any other way, I'd just like some tips to manage the chaos.